Thursday, 9 April 2015

What is Sitecore update package?

As you probably know, Sitecore distributes updates via special packages, called Sitecore Update packages. These packages have ".update" extension and can be installed using special page, called UpdateInstallationWizard that can be found in /sitecore/admin folder.

What is in the package and how is it different from standard Sitecore package?

The standard Sitecore package is designed for moving content from one Sitecore instance (server) to another. Thus, the operations that must be supported for this scenario is just adding Sitecore items, files and security roles. In other words it should support Add operations.

The Sitecore update package is designed for upgrading Sitecore instances between minor Sitecore versions. The main difference of upgrading process in comparison to just copying data is that during upgrade the most common operation not Add (install new item or file) but upgrading already existing content with support for analyzing and resolving conflicts.

The main features of the Sitecore update package:

  • The package supports such commands like:
    • Delete items and files;
    • Add items and files;
    • Change specific set of the item fields;
    • Change the file (actually for usual files it is implemented as a replace);
    • Patch Xml file (the feature is disabled by default and not used right now);
  • Generate a "real" rollback (uninstall) package during the package installation. The rollback package will contain the only revert operation for actions that have been performed.
  • Support for Analyze (Dry Run) mode, when you install the package without real installation. Very useful mode for analyzing and fixing potential problems with the package.
  • Support for 2 different installation modes: Install (when we guarantee that Sitecore will contain all features form released Sitecore) and Update (when we guarantee that in case of conflict with customer data, the custom data will not be lost).
  • Support for post installation instructions that allow you to execute a custom code after package installation is finished.
  • Using API from Sitecore.Update assembly, one can generate a snapshot package - the package that contains information about files and items but not their content. This package has a small size can be used as a source for generating update packages. This is very useful since you don't need to have Sitecore instance up and running.

The package format.

Despite the fact the package has extension ".update" this is just usual Zip archive. In this archive you can see folder structure that keeps installation commands grouped by command type. For example, all add item commands will appear in "addeditems" folder, deleted items - in "deleteditems", etc. Every entry in these folders are either just regular folder or xml file that contains command metadata and instructions.

User scenarios we considered when working on update package framework.

Actually when designing the framework we wanted to cover one scenario - simplify the upgrade procedure between minor versions. However the scenario is currently can be achieved using 2 different approaches.

  • Upgrading Sitecore instance.
  • Extracting added and customized content with further installation to the new version of Sitecore (in other words - moving the custom data to a new instance).

The first scenario requires generating an update package that contains differences between Sitecore versions.


  • A Single package that can work for a number of customers.
  • Does not require access to customer solutions.
  • The package is cumulative which means that using the same package you can upgrade from any version in between source and target.


  • It is too generic and does not reflect customization.

The second scenario requires generating an update package that contains only customized data that can be easily moved to a different Sitecore instance.


  • In some cases it might be much easier to upgrade.
  • Having a single package with custome data simplifies upgrade to any Sitecore version.


  • Package generation logic should be moved to a customer side which means that customers should have very strong knowledge about changes we done in Sitecore. Otherwise the upgraded solution might be broken.

How to generate an update package?

All API for generating packages, working with package data and installing update package is located in Sitecore.Update assembly. We just use a set of batch files that calls necessary API.

Also there are a number of custom applications that use our API and allow to integrate package related commands into explorer context menu or even in Visual Studio.

Is it possible to control of what is going to be added to the package?

Yes, the package generation API supports file filters (to filter scanned items) and custom C# filters (to filter or change commands in already generate package). All filters can be configured in configuration file or added from code.

Is there an easy way to explore the update package?

I know at least several tools that could represent the package data in a readable way.

Personally, I either unpack package files and analyze it's structure or use own tool for analyzing package.

The Package Analyzer tool features

  • Has a set of filters to filter package commands.
  • Can perform initial package analysis for a number of dangerous commands like changing configuration files, etc.
  • Allows the extract filtered commands to a text file.
  • Can show the command Xml.
  • Can compare 2 update packages and use WinMerge app for showing diff between commands.

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